Early Spring Butterflies.

March 2023 has been very dull, one of the dullest on record. In the South of England and Wales we have received only a third of the sunshine that is normal for this time of year. So it has all been a bit depressing.
However, the other day I saw a blue butterfly flitting around in my garden, dipping in and out of my nectarine tree which is in blossom. I said to him "you are early for a common blue!" and he replied "I'm not a common blue, I'm a Holly Blue and we are always the earliest to fly in the blue butterfly family. You can see by the white edge round my wings that I'm a male holly butterfly, whereas the females have a black edge"
I asked "So where do you find pollen this early in the year?" and he said "Oh! There's plenty of blossom, the best trees are blackthorn, plum, pear but there's also garden anemone and, my favourite wallflowers."
Just then a Brimstone Butterfly whizzed by, calling out "Good Morning!" and I called out "Hello!" and then with a laugh I told them both that their colours of pale blue and yellow reminded me of the Ukraine flag!"
"I hope you both have a lovely day! Make sure you don't fly accidently into a spider's web!"

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